If your team doesn’t have a custom team uniform yet, no matter what sport you play, you should think about getting one made as soon as possible.
In all sports, from the least demanding to the most demanding, from recreational to amateur to professional, players want to be proud of their uniforms. Professional athletes, upon retiring, almost always comment about how it felt to “wear the uniform one last time.” When playing sports, we identify with our uniforms.
In addition, the public identifies with uniforms, too. Ask anyone what their favourite team’s colours are and they will tell you instantly. This is no accident; spectators pay even more attention to uniforms than players do sometimes. This sets up a whole new level of benefits for those sponsoring teams. Here are a few reasons to start creating a custom team uniform for whatever sport you play.
Look Great, Play Great
Numerous studies, both related and unrelated to sports, have demonstrated that when we look good, we feel more confident. It is also pretty well-established in the field of sports psychology that confidence affects sports as it does life: it increases the level of performance.
Are we saying that the best-looking team always wins? Of course not. But what we are saying is that sharp uniforms can help one play at their best. As far as we’re concerned, anything that can give you an edge to help you perform your best is well worth it.
The Cohesion Factor
Ideally, a team in any sport plays as one unit and nothing says “all for one and one for all” like a custom team uniform that helps everyone look the same. It helps establish and promote a team identity. Ultimately, this goes a long way towards increasing camaraderie between teammates.
When a team wears a great looking uniform, they become part of something greater than themselves. It gives them more pride in their team, which is always a good situation and certainly better than a “team” that doesn’t really have anything to identify with.
The Pride Factor
Though performance certainly has a lot to do with team pride, a great looking uniform can also help individuals be proud of their team. This all ties into habits that we mentioned earlier; teammates who are proud of their team will start “hanging out” after events.
The Intimidation Factor
Sometimes a team with perfect matching uniforms and a lot of pride will intimidate a team with slipshod half uniforms or low quality uniforms. The team with perfect uniforms looks professional, while the other looks amateur. This can “get into the head” of both teams. It is certainly better to be the team with the great uniforms in this case.
For Sponsors Only
If you are sponsoring a team, whether it’s for running, triathlons, football, soccer, rugby, darts or any other sport, it is to your benefit to have a great looking uniform. Any sponsorship of an athletic team is an opportunity to spend money once and literally get thousands of advertising impressions for it.
How would you like those advertising impressions to reflect on your company? Would you like people to see your name associated with a team that looks like a scruffy, ragtag bunch of misfits or would you like your name associated with a team that looks sharp, dresses sharp, plays great and hangs out together after games?
We think you know the answer.
About those advertising impressions: Your team is wearing uniforms to and from their events. If they are training for a run or a triathlon, they will wear them while they train. You can also get them a training uniform with your company name and logo prominently displayed.
Port Hedland Darts
We recently created Port Hedland Darts uniforms. They are a high quality uniform that looks great. The players have given overwhelmingly positive feedback and so have spectators.
If you want your sporting team to look great, feel great and play great in a custom team uniform, call our Perth office on (08) 92444 111 for more information.