Mason jars are versatile items that can not only be branded with a company’s name and logo, but also used for a variety of different functions. From arts and crafts to practical usage, mason jars provide the unique opportunity to present your company’s message, through the branding, in a creative and fun way that is sure to stand out in the homes and minds of your customers.
Ingenuity in a Jar
Some of the uses for mason jars involve creating clever crafts out of the jars for aesthetical purposes. For example, you could use the jar as a candle holder to set on a table. If you have multiple jars, you can string them together and hang them to make a chandelier. This can also be done with electric or LED lights for a cute effect.
On the more natural side, you can use mason jars to house flowers or plants in your home or garden. You could even build a terrarium out of one. If you are definitely the crafty sort, you can also use a branded mason jar to hold your other craft supplies, such as sewing tools.
Practical Creativity
In addition to things that look nice, you can use mason jars for practical applications as well. For example, you could fill one with soap and use it as a beautiful dispenser in your bathroom. Since mason jars are airtight, you can take advantage of this attribute by using one to preserve food, especially pickled items.
In your home or office, you could use a mason jar as a change jar to hold all of your loose coins or as a place to house the many pens you’ve acquired. You can even take one on the go as a makeshift lunchbox or cup to drink from.
A Jarring Proposition
Mason jars may seem like such simple items, but they have a virtually limitless amount of uses if you are creative enough to unlock them. What’s more, you can brand them with your company’s name and logo to make that message the centrepiece of this resourceful item. That way, you are sure to market your company through the clever uses of a mason jar.
When it comes to creativity in promotional items, the sky’s the limit! To learn more about your customisation options, please call our Perth office: (08) 92444 111.