Why printed cups are great promotional gifts for corporate travellers.
In today’s competitive environment, it seems that people are travelling farther for work and doing it more often. This is making the printed coffee cup a useful and popular item. Whether it’s a commuter driving or taking the bus, a sales rep driving from account to account or an executive with duties in multiple locations, there is a lot of travelling going on.
Consequently, many businesses are seeing the wisdom of giving printed coffee cups as corporate gifts. A coffee mug can be printed over its entire surface. This makes it easy to fit a company name, logo and a message on the cup in the form of a slogan or motto.
When it is done right, a promotional gift can provide the most advertising impressions per money spent. In addition, those advertising impressions are of a much higher quality than those delivered through conventional advertising media because they don’t look, feel or sound like advertising to the person holding the gift. The person who is using the promotional item sees your company name, logo and maybe even a message and they smile because they remember that you gave them the item they are using.
In the case of a printed coffee cup, they are drinking coffee, tea or hot chocolate while they are thinking of your company. People who are on the go tend to drink a lot of coffee, so a printed mug is the perfect promotional gift. Promotional gifts are most effective when they are used often and a coffee cup is an item that will be used several times each day.
Many Perth companies are giving printed cups to their own employees, knowing that anyone who sees them drink from the cup is also going to receive an advertising impression. Also, a high-quality printed coffee cup can make an employee feel more proud of their workplace.
Call (08) 92444 111 to learn more.