There are all kinds of promotional products on the market that are designed to help you promote your company, but one of the hottest now stands above the others: stubby holders. These simple but very effective drink coolers are an excellent way to help your company get and remain noticed because they have certain properties and ways of usage that other gifts in the same vein do not. Included among these are the fact that stubby holders are practically useful and unique, make a good impression on customers, provide consistent reinforcement of the memory of the company and are fully customisable with a wide range of options.
Winning through Practicality
One of the things that separate stubby holders from other kinds of promotional products is that they are practically useful items. Customers like to receive gifts that they can use in their everyday lives and sometimes, promotional gifts, such as key chains or other simple trinkets, are not so useful. This makes stubby holders quite desirable in the eyes of the customers because these items can be used in their everyday lives. This will score you bonus points and promote a good image.
This ability is advantageous in its own right, but it will make your company stand out from the competition. If other businesses are not giving away items that are as practically useful and only a few can beat the edge that stubby holders provide, your company will seem better than the others and this is very good for business.
Sending in Reinforcements
What makes stubby holders so great from a marketing standpoint is that they provide consistent reinforcement of your company’s message. When you design a stubby holder, the whole point is to print your company’s name and logo on it so that the user will see it. This certainly happens, but it is not just once, they will see your information and be reminded of your company every time they use the stubby holder and with every sip of the drink being held by it.
Not only that, but all of the people around the user will think of your company as well. When you consider the fact that stubby holders are often used at parties and social gatherings, the amount of people that you can reach from one stubby holder is tremendous. Since stubby holders are so useful, they are also often kept for decent periods of time, meaning that this reinforcement will be around for a long time to come.
Endless Options
Now that you understand the usefulness of stubby holders as promotional products, you are probably wondering how to best design this promotional gem for maximum effectiveness. The answer to that is really that there is an infinite number of ways that you can custom design your company’s stubby holder and all methods are great. Of course, name and logo are a given, but past that, you can include almost any kind of colour scheme or design to your array of stubby holders.
In addition, there are a few different kinds that they come in. The traditional and full colour sublimated differ mainly in the level of detail you can craft them with, but the other models provide truly unique opportunities. There are some stubby holders that have a flat pak at the bottom, which alters the shape slightly and allows for easy transport and storage. The slap wrap kind wraps around your drink, making it a unique design among stubby holders. One of the newest models is the beer gauge, which allows the user to see how much they are drinking, something that is both cool and useful, making it a unique item that stands out even more.
Holding on to Success
There is a wide range of promotional products that you, as a business, can choose from to promote yourself among a certain group of people. To best reach your customers, you should use only the most effective items and stubby holders stand out as just this. Stubby holders are different from most of the other promotional gifts because they are used in an everyday setting, making them highly desirable by customers.
They also provide consistent reinforcement of the message of a company, keeping it fresh in people’s minds for long periods of time. Finally, their fully customisable and diverse types help your advertising strategy to be more efficient.
To learn more about designing and ordering your own set of stubby holders for promotions, call (08) 92444 111.