In 36 years of providing promotional products to the Perth area, we have learned a lot about human nature. We have learned that promotional products work because they help produce one of the most basic of human emotions: gratitude. We have learned that promotional products are the best way to get high quality advertising impressions to a targeted audience at a low price.
We have also learned that cleverly placed promotional products can influence one of the most important people in any business: the gatekeeper.
Who is the Gatekeeper?
While most businesses don’t have a position that is officially called “gatekeeper,” a majority of businesses seem to have one person who has that function. Their job is to keep sales people from getting through to the decision-maker.
It can be very frustrating to know that you have a product that is perfect for a business, but not be able to get through to the decision-maker because the “gatekeeper” is blocking you. Gatekeepers are often secondary decision-makers. They can’t say yes, but if they don’t like you they can say “no.” They do this by making sure that your proposal never gets through to the decision-maker.
The name for this job is usually “administrative assistant,” but an assistant or associate manager can also function as a gatekeeper.
Working with the Gatekeeper
As seasoned salesperson will tell you, working against the gatekeeper is a recipe for failure. You have to figure out a way to get the gatekeeper on your side. Once you are working with the gatekeeper instead of against, your odds for success are much higher.
The Answer: Promotional Products
The best way to get gatekeepers on your side is to ingratiate yourself to them. The best way to do this is through promotional products. One of the oldest tricks in the book is to bring coffee or donuts to the gatekeeper. But what if you brought a personalised coffee mug? How about a nice set of pens?
To learn more, call us today: (08) 92444 111.